A drawing of a sealed scroll.

Blog Posts

The blog is a place for short form writing on a variety of topics. Reflecting on years of experience and self-studies in art, philosophy and much more. A celebration of creativity hoping to provide you with useful information, inspiration and entertainment. Curated carefully to widen your perspective and turn your consciousness towards hither to unknown visionary peaks. Seeking to aid in the expanse of your conscientiousness, presence and imaginative mind.

Simply navigate to a blog post by clicking the title or image.

A desert landscape with the moon in the sky to the left and a white pillar on the right. Between them is a shimmering door.
February 19, 2025

Decoding Dreams pt. 4 - Mapping Inconceivable Geometry

The fourth part of decoding dreams; discussing dream journaling, the quality of sleep and diet and how we can use them to improve the quality of our dreams and help us remember them.

Three red perfect circles surrounding a white and turqoise crosshair.
February 13, 2025

Perfect is the Enemy of Good

Overcoming the fear of imperfection and the importance of doing and creating even if it's just "good enough". The difference between good and perfect and how to finish work despite perfectionism.

A venn diagram making up the three choices of: good quality, fast speed and cheap price.
February 5, 2025

Good, Fast and Cheap- the Venn Diagram of Choice

Three things make up our choice of commodities and services today: these qualities are quality, speed and price. Is it possible to achieve the good, the fast and cheap or is it an unrealistic lie we're sold? What do we prioritise and what are we willing to compromise on? Can we achieve the good quality, the fast speed and the cheap price?

A blue eye in a dark sky filled with bright yellow stars.
January 30, 2025

Decoding Dreams pt. 3 - Dreams of the Present

Part 3 of Decoding Dreams. Focusing on Jungian dream interpretation and other contemporary dream theories. How Carl Jung interpreted and viewed dreams as powerful manifestations of both a personal and collective unconscious.

A mouth with a speech bubble talking to a little green man who is wearing a funny looking hat.
January 23, 2025

The Three Rhetorical Tricks to Win Any Debate

Three incredibly easy and powerful rhetoric tricks allow you to win any debate. Impossibly witty and clever: These three tricks will have your opponent grasping at strawmen and trying desperately to find their mental footing in the intellectual tango two-stepper as you summersault over their facts and logic.

A robot in the foreground and a brain in the background. A forest is cut down and a hammer is hitting a nail.
January 16, 2025

Doing the Work - AI & Easy Ways Out

Artificial intelligence and the shortcuts it provides. Downsides and potential dangers of leading comfortable lives. The importance of using muscles and honing one's skills instead of letting artificial hands do all the labour.

A white mountain with blue clouds above it. Yellow lightning bolts are striking the peak of the mountain.
January 9, 2025

Decoding Dreams pt. 2 - Dreaming of the Past

The second part is about decoding dreams. A look at dreams and dream interpretation from a historical perspective through a religious, cultural and social context. Spanning thousands of years and across the globe a short and condensed look at how dreams have been viewed by people throughout the ages.

A white hourglass filled with yellow sand. The glass is radiating against the black background.
January 3, 2025

What Art Will Survive the Test of Time?

What art will survive the test of time? Is there an easy way to success? How do you stand out and be remembered in a faceless crowd? The importance of authenticity and who really is the judge of what great works are remembered.

A sleeping person in black and white dreaming colourful and psychedelic dreams that swirl across the sky of the dreamscape.
December 21, 2024

Decoding Dreams Part One - Types of Dreams

Decoding dreams part one explores the different types of dreams we may experience during sleep. The three categories of standard dreams, nightmares and epiphanic dreams are explored in greater detail illustrating the differences and distinctions between them.

An image of a face in mainly black and white with some turqoise shining on the right.
December 11, 2024

What Works for You - How to Not Compare Yourself to Others

We often compare ourselves to others and in doing so we miss out on our own lives and we become distracted or discouraged from pursuing our own journeys and fulfilling our own dreams. This text explores the root problem of why we compare ourselves negatively to others and some things we can do to focus on ourselves instead.

An white eye on a black background.
December 4, 2024

The Paradox of Being Perceived

There's a paradox we often face: our desire to be known struggles against our instinct to hide away. Torn between opening up and staying safe in our comfortable solitude we long for the world and we shy away from it. We wish to be seen but also to be out of sight.

A joker wearing a hat with three bells. He's smiling and wearing makeup.
November 27, 2024

The Whimsical Nature of the Jester

The archetype of the jester - an easygoing, fun-loving joker who brings colour and laughter to life, but if left unexamined can develop a shadow and reinforce some negative character traits.

A chart going up in turqoise and yellow with a masked man above it wearing a beanie.
November 17, 2024

Trendy Online Content - Creative Theft or Inspired Work?

Trendy online content and the slow death of creativity and individuality. Stay true to your own vision and unique voice - do your work with love and success will follow.

A yellow sun inside of a transparent glass bottle.
November 12, 2024

Selling Sunshine in a Bottle

Both culture consumers and creators risk forming parasocial relationships with each other. The artist with their audience and the audience with the artists, what truly connects them is the work - a work which is often non-personal. How to navigate the online sphere and to focus on your happiness than that of others.

An empty and barren gallery, cobweb collecting in the corners and dirty exterior and interior tell the story of abandonment.
November 3, 2024

Vanity Galleries and 5 Ways to Recognise Them

What are vanity galleries? How do you recognise them and how do you protect yourself and your work from them? Five ways to discern them from legit commercial galleries and things to keep in mind when getting into the commercial art world.

Two faces facing each other. One of them focused and attentive - the other relaxed and drooling.
October 27, 2024

Mindful and Mindless Creativity

Examining automated and autonomous cognitive functions in relation to creativity and the creation of art. Mindless and mindful expression - their manifestation and the benefits they bring to artistic practice.

A winged person flying above a city landscape of yellow lights.
October 20, 2024

Career Suicide

Career suicide isn't real suicide, career suicide is fine. Do not fear changing paths, life isn't static and your being is not written in stone. Embrace new challenges and growth. Pursue your truth and what you truly love.

A triangle with a sandwich, a bowl of soup and a bowl of salad.
October 13, 2024

Soup, Sandwich or Salad - The Trifecta of Food Theory

The trifecta of food theory is the idea that all foods can be categorised into three simple categories: soup, sandwich and salad.

A person by a pedestal surrounded by yellow mountains. Behind them are 5 azure stars glowing.
October 9, 2024

The Legacy of Your Work

Artistic legacy and reflection on it. How to work towards greatness without worrying about what you leave behind. Almost every artist wonders and fantasises about their legacy - their mark on the world. Some for good and some for bad.

A turqoise wheel spinning on a black background.
September 28, 2024

Iteration & Innovation

A post about iteration and innovation in creativity and culture. How they work together and how to make the most out of both by approaching each with humility and respect. Novelty and improvement through repetition and how both iteration and innovation has the power to change the world.

A black and white image of a person sitting in front of a lot of different gear, like cameras, pencils, brushes etc.
September 21, 2024

All Gear - No Idea

The importance of working with what you have, and the value of an idea over the material gear you think you need to channel your creativity in your artistic journey.

A woman crying enlightened by a yellow sun shining down on her. The background is black with a faint yellow landscape.
September 14, 2024


What is grief? How do we deal with it? How does it affect us and what long-lasting effects can grief have on us? This blog post explores the theme of grief and how different people navigate mourning. What can you do yourself while grieving, and how can you help somebody close to you grieving?

Close zoom in on a person's eye, the other half of is filled with text in a light blue on a black background.
September 7, 2024

If I had Longer I Would Write Shorter

On the topic of keeping things short but sweet. How to be concise in your artistic work. Three things to consider when making sure your writing is concise. Some personal reflections on the past blog posts.

A book with pink text, a looking glass highlights a turquoise exclamation mark.
August 31, 2024

The Search for Meaning

On meaning and where to find it in your everyday life. How to find purpose in your work, and if you have the courage to grow - the world is yours without selling your soul. Where to find meaning to what you do and the different nature to attributing meaning to the mundane and metaphysical.

A yellow bag with a dollar sign on it.
August 24, 2024

Pricing Your Art

About pricing your work as an artist, the four determining factors in pricing your creativity and work. How to price it accordingly and properly without undercharging or overcharging your work. As well as sharing my personal experience with pricing and what I take into consideration when pricing my artwork.

A man leaning on his hand sitting by a table, next to him a neon blue single tone is ringing out.
August 17, 2024

The Monotony of Work

About monotony that plagues our everyday lives. How to break it and what benefits variety adds to life, but also what good monotony and repetition brings. About our perception of time and the richness new things bring.

A man with radiating blue energy around him, his mind focused on a turqoise triangle hovering above his head.
August 10, 2024

The Experience of God

A perspective on the experience of divinity, comparing it to love and how we perceive these concepts. The subtle nature of the All and how earthly sensory overload misleads us. Discerning between our expectations and the reality of things, allowing ourselves to not be misguided and misinformed by a wicked influence that seeks to manipulate us. Searching for the experience with an open mind and heart is the center of discovering the truth.

A black and white image of a bust being surrounded by faceless figures, above the bust is a cyan light shining .
August 3, 2024

Imaginary Friends and Foes

Some background on the nature of imagination and what drives it. The highs and lows of an overly imaginative mind and how to live with the mental constructions of your mind. The company of solitude, and how to surround yourself with imaginary friends instead of imaginary foes. The importance of feeding your imagination the right things to prevent paranoia, self-doubt, and crippling anxiety.

A red radiating warning triangle between two eyes looking over a balanced scale of gold.
July 23, 2024

The Risk

Take the risk, dare to dream, and relentlessly pursue your goals. Do not overthink and doubt yourself - let the risk fuel and motivate you to overcome it. Take full responsibility for your shortcomings and deal with your failures with grace, and surely you will prevail. Be smart about the risks you take but do not be afraid.

A black, white and mostly yellow image of a man sitting at the bottom of a mountain, next to a large boulder.
July 15, 2024

The Art of Not Trying

The art of not trying is a gentle approach to problem-solving and navigating life's difficulties and challenges with flexibility, harmony, and adaptability. The more we cling to things the further they seem to drift away from us, it is when we let go that all falls into place. How to utilise the action of non-action as a powerful force in our creative endeavors and our day-to-day lives.

A person set ablaze by their motivation and burning passion
May 30, 2024

How to Find the Motivation to Create

About finding motivation to achieve your goals and dreams. Concrete tips and ways to strengthen your motivation through discipline, consistency, and more. How and where to find inspiration and how to not overwork yourself, ensuring you have the energy to stay motivated and focused.

A crab with an eternity symbol on its body
May 29, 2024

Thinking About the Immortality of the Crab

How to engage with meaningful thoughts and constructive daydreaming. Getting the most out of contemplation and using your imaginative mind to fuel you towards your goals, achieving your dreams, and living a more present and positive life through conscious thought.

A lightbulb of creativity radiating light in the dark
May 27, 2024

5 Core Principles of Creativity

Creativity is a big topic. This blog post seeks to cover out briefly 5 core principles of the concept of creativity - explaining each principle and how they work together to allow creativity to be such a great force of will. Creativity has led to most of humanity's great inventions and ideas.