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© 2023 Zevul's Arcanum. All rights reserved
Acrylics on Canvas - 2017
Size: Unavailable
Price: Unavailable
One of my earliest pieces. I was finding my way and experimented a lot, colour was unnecessary to me and my state of my mind early on. I painted with black on a white canvas, simple as. This piece was aimed to conjure up luck and is filled with various cultural symbols for luck, some of the references are obscure and some very obvious. The title of the piece is from the song with the same name, by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - which I was obsessively listening to while painting it.
Oil on Canvas - 2015
Size: Unavailable
Price: Unavailable
Up high in the mountains, the outcasts gather escaping the norms of below. Ascending above the restrictions enforced upon them they seek a higher meaning still, trying to overcome the dichotomy of morals they try and rid themselves of dualism, making idols of themselves worshipping neither devil nor God but something which claims to be both, claims to be All.
One of my earliest work and the first I did with oils. There really was no need to use oil paint for this one as it is very simply and uses no special techniques inherit to oils. However it was an experiment, and was one of the few early paintings I was very content with. Despite its simplicity I did some studies and dedicated this one to one of my favourite bands at the time.
Oils and Acrylics on Canvas - 2017-2021
Size: Unavailable
Price: Unavailable
This was one of the earliest paintings I did, the background was painted black and white with oil paints. The foreground I completed 4 years later with acrylics. It was a gloomy and dark creation from the beginning, giving it skin and flesh didn't make it any more suitable for the daylight.
Marker and Acrylics on Canvas - 2015
Size: Unavailable
Price: Unavailable
The canvas that started my artistic journey. In the middle of a dark night I grabbed a marker and some paint and began to outline the figure. A hollowed out ancient astronaut whose suit of stone had broken and become overgrown on the desolate planet it had been left on. This was the first time since I had been but a small child that I had grabbed a pen and drawn out of joy, a feeling I thought had been lost after my emerging out of childhood. This was the first fumbling steps on my artistic journey, and it was this night that my inner passion had been ignited, I didn't realise it at the time but my reason for living had come to me bright as day in the middle of a solitary night.