An icon for secure payments.

Alternative payment methods

It is possible to pay with other alternative payment methods such as Swish (Sweden), Invoice and through instalments. In order to place an order with a different payment method than the ones the site currently offers please contact us and we will iron out the details.

Email us about the product you would like to purchase and your preferred method of payment. We will then get in touch with you to get shipping details, payment info and so forth.


For Swedish customers we offer the ability to pay to our company Swish. Email us with the details of the product you would like to buy and we will provide you with the swish-number and details for the payment.


If you would prefer an email or physical invoice with the ability to transfer money directly to our bank account contact us about the product you would like to purchase and we will sort out the rest.


We offer the ability to pay for any product in instalments. Instalments are monthly payments you make until you have paid the full price of the product. We offer instalments for up to a year, allowing you to pay the full price month by month. The monthly payment will depend on the price of the product you're buying. Please contact us for further details.


If you have any questions about alternative payments such as through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Revolut and other services please contact us and we will answer all your questions. We reserve the right to refuse any payment methods suggested without further explanation and also reserve the right to calculate any conversion rates.


We currently only take payments in either SEK or EURO, in order to make a purchase you may have to convert your local currency to either one.